Actually the stretch of Venice depicted is the least of our concerns. Once past Labrea Venice becomes a nightmare - all the way to DTWN LA. I rode Washington for a while but found Adams much better. The key being - in both cases - south of the 10 freeway. However, as both approach DTWN LA, until you get to Hoover with the exception of the Jefferson stretch adjacent to USC the Bike line becomes a memory - until you get to Fig. We need more NS/EW bike lanes like the one on Fig - that is terrific! I ride 15miles to DTLA every work day- and take the train home at night. Better bike lanes and better Security on Metro would go a long way to making LA a greener space.

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thank you for reporting the problem with the trash in the bike lane. I also noticed how the bud regularly has to cut into the bike lanes to get to the stop when the easier solution would be to have a pedestrian island so there would not have to be some unsafe interactions with the bus, the people waiting for the bus, and the bikes. very good report overall!

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